Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Gospel According to Lil Wayne

I know what you are thinking. "I know this negro isn't gonna try to defend Lil Wayne."

Welllllll, not really.

Personally, I think Lil Wayne has a lack of morals and a poor role model but that's not my point. The one thing I truly respect about Lil Wayne is his self-confidence.

Take a listen to the following clip...

My favorite line is "I scream fuck the world with a long dick. Motherfucker, I'M ME!" Lil Wayne gives two fucks about your opinion of him. He simply doesn't care. Lil Wayne can look in the mirror and know that he is the shit regardless of what group is protesting or what bullshit some blog is spewing.

Think about it, when is the last time you were able to look yourself in the mirror and feel like you are a million bucks? When is the last time you woke up without a care in the world because you love yourself? When is the last time you just brushed off the negative energy brought on by the throngs?

If you answer is everyday to any of the previous questions, you have what I am talking. My theory is that people who are "basic" will never get to this point because of their lack of self-worth. Few people are born with it and it takes time and a lot of soul-searching to for others. Hell, it took me 21 years! For some of us, we needed spiritual englightenment via church services, religous texts, etc. For others, it took a drastic moment in our lives to realize how special we are. My thing is it does not matter how you "recieved" this gift of self-worth. We know we the shit! This is a gift! Don't be ashamed! Thanks Lil Wayne.

Here's a small task for you this evening: Close your eyes and think about your accomplishments thus far.

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