Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Don't Let Others Dull Your Shine!

So this weekend, I heard the most wild story about friendship that I have heard in a while. My best friend had to get rid of some very toxic "friends" in her life. I kinda felt her pain, considering these people were her friends for approximately 17 years. My sympathy ended quickly when I heard the following story.

She told me that, four years ago, these so-called "friends" (who aren't in college) made fun of her for choosing to attend Cornell University. Are you as floored as I am? If not, you are as "basic" as the people making fun of her. What type of society are we in where going to a top Ivy League institution is a source of ridicule? We are in a society that has grown accustomed to teen pregnancy and to being labeled "Special Ed" or "Bipolar". But noooooooo, going to a good school is what prompts laughter? And we choose to associate with these creatures? God help us!!! We need to UPGRADE OUR LIVES immediately!

What's even more outrageous was my friend's response to the ridicule. From that point on, instead of telling people that she goes to Cornell University, she began telling people that she goes to a school in upstate New York. WHAT!?!!? NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. This is absolutely ridiculous! As soon as she told me that, I literally screamed her for being intimidated by some "basic" broads. I do not understand why people feel the need to dull their own shine for some "basics" that do not matter. I just don't get it! Hell, I just graduated from Morehouse College. People make fun of Morehouse all of the time, but I do not let it phase me because I know people are ignorant. Most of the time they do not even know that Martin Luther King, Jr. attended Morehouse or never heard of David Satcher, Benjamin Elijah Mays, or any of the other top leaders my institution has produced. I use people's ignorance as a chance to educate them on my prestigious institution.

People need to remember this very famous phrase: "Birds of a feather flock together."

A "basic" person's primary goal in life is to get you on their low level, which is why they criticize all of your accomplishments. "Basic" people have a "flock" mindset: the more negative people the better.

So how do you avoid these "birds"? First, you have to realize that people who try to bring you down ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS!!!! Remove these fools out of your life IMMEDIATELY! The next step goes back to the Lil Wayne confidence I spoke about in the previous post. (click here) You have to know your own self-worth!!!!! You have to KNOW that you are the shit! You have to know that you have been making great decisions in your life. If you are not proud of accomplishments, who else will?



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